The Clendenin Firm

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Vlog: Case Timeline - Introduction


Hi guys, Matt Clendenin here. Hope everyone's doing well. I want to do a little mini series on a new pamphlet that we've created for the firm. It's a case timeline. So here you go. Personal injury case timeline and what to expect. I made this because personal injury cases take a long time. They're confusing. To have a general roadmap of where we're heading, I think is really helpful.

So this pamphlet has five sections on the personal injury case timeline. The first one is the immediate injury incident and the investigation. The second stage is what we call pre litigation. The third stage, which of course is the longest, is litigation. The fourth stage is case closure. And then the fifth stage is post case, you know, what happens after the case is completely done. And so those are the five stages we're going to be going over those together. 

But I just want to give you this little outline. And I guess in this video, I'll just define some of those sections because a lot of people hear this word litigation and they think, what does that mean? Litigation simply means you have an active lawsuit. You are in the process of litigating the lawsuit and litigation means investigating the case, dealing with discovery, talking with the other lawyers, going to the court, filing motions when you disagree about things and then ultimately going to trial. So that's the litigation process. 

Now, some cases can be settled without that. If a case is relatively minor, or if the issues are relatively simple, sometimes you don't need the formal court process called litigation to take care of your case and settle it successfully. But by and large, most larger cases or most serious cases, when people disagree about stuff, we need to have the court process to sort it out. So that's called having litigation or having a lawsuit or being in court. 

And so that's all litigation is so on the personal injury case timeline, you have the incident you have pre-litigation, you have litigation, then you have case closure, and then you have post case. What happens after the case is done. So those are the five sections. We're going to be doing a five-part mini series on that. This is just the introductory video, but we'll be posting these, um, week by week. Uh, if you guys have any questions or if you want a copy of the actual pamphlet, give me a call. I'm happy to send one out to you guys. Take care. This is Matt.